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1.2.Time Management

Edu-Link guides students to avoid procrastination and develop a sense of time management to increase their productivity at school. Edu-Link will teach students the benefits of time management techniques that will help you achieve their your goals in the workplace.

Ineffective studying habits and develop efficient strategies that will increase their learning outcomes and allow them to excel in high-school tests.

Many students use time-consuming learning techniques that give the illusion of mastery. These techniques help them become familiar with ideas and information in the test preparation but forget it a week later because their learning techniques never led to long-term learning.

Such ineffective techniques include:

  • Studying for extended periods.
  • Studying a single subject for an extended period and repeating phrases over and over to memorize them.
  • Reviewing one topic repeatedly before moving on to another.
  • Reading and rereading a text to memorize.

On the other hand, at Edu-Link, students will have access to techniques that help students to increase sustainable learning and retention and lead to long-term mastery.

Such efficient techniques include:

  • Pre-test

A strategy that helps students achieve better scores by practicing answering similar test questions previously, saving study time.

  • Spaced practice

A strategy that helps students to space out study sessions, focusing on a topic for a short period on different days to improve retention and recall, better than memorizing.

  • Self-quizzing

A strategy that helps students test their knowledge related to specific topics as a form of active retrieval practice. This technique encourages students to make test questions for themselves as they learn a new concept, thinking about the types of questions you might ask on a quiz or test.

  • Paraphrasing and reflecting

A strategy that helps students retain information by relating what is being learned to prior knowledge, thinking about how they would explain the content to a 5-year-old, and reflecting on and asking questions about the content.


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